Friday, July 17, 2009

Love Mid-20th Century Style

Wanted to leave you all to an amazing weekend with a letter from Dr. Antonio Gomariz (also famous for being my grandfather) to Ethel Gomariz (grandma) circa 1944. I'm compiling their greatest hits, and came across this little jewel last night and wanted to share, first in Spanish and then a crude Fer-translation.. Enjoy and many kisses:

"Que nunca se atrevan a sacarnos un beso, porque cual los soldados defenden las insignias de su patria y mueren por ella, asi defenderemos nosotros el emblema de nuestro amor, porque no otra cosa es nuestro beso : el emblema de un amor como no hay otro en el mundo, amor que todo lo abarca, amor egoista por su grandeza, amor absoluto, terminante, total, amor nuestro.

Muneca dame un beso!"

Fools those who ever dare rob us of a single kiss, because as soldiers fight and give their lives for the symbols of their nations, we steadfastly defend that symbol of our love, because our kiss is no other thing : a symbol of a love like there is no other in the world, a love that envelops everything, a love that is selfish because it is grand, an absolute love, final, total, our love.
Baby give me a kiss!"

A brilliant genius you think huh? Well its much easier with the right muse...



  1. This is great, but I showed it to Ana and now she's demanding that I write her poetry.

  2. dangerous yes, I may have a box that you could photocopy though...Some references will have to be changed.

  3. Baby, this is beautiful! Se adoro muchisimo!

